Botanical beverage of longan red date juice powder and EstroG-100.
RM149.00 – RM1,132.40
In Stock

Natural plant extract,
no side effects

Maintain prolactin level

Relieve menopause

Relieve menstrual disorders

Regulate menopausal

immune system

Qi and Blood

- EstroG-100™
- Longan and Red Date Juice Powder
- Goji Extract
Features & benefits
It is the name of three herbal root extracts (Phlomis Umbrosa-32.5%, Cynanchum Wilfordii-32.5%, and Angelica Gigas-35%). It helps to improve menopausal symptoms in perimenopausal, menopausal and postmenopausal women.

Phlomis Umbrosa
Anti-osteoporosis, anti-allergic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer clinically. No toxicity and side effects noted for long term use.

Cynanchum Wilfordii
Anti-osteoporosis, anti-allergic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer clinically. No toxicity and side effects noted for long term use.

Angelica Gigas
Regulates menopausal symptoms, reduces tidal fever, relieves sleep disturbance and fatigue, and also treating night sweating during perimenopause

Longan and Red Date Juice Powder
Treats insomnia and neurasthenia. Warms the spleen and stomach, enhances qi (vital force and circulation), balances yin and yang, and relax the nervous system.
Goji Extract
Contain antioxidants which are known to boost immune system and fight harmful free radicals and inflammation.

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