Commonly used treatment approaches in Naturopathy

Updates Some of the commonly used treatment approaches by naturopathic doctors include diet and lifestyle change, herbs and dietary supplement, homeopathy, manipulative therapies and psychotherapy.   Diet and lifestyle changes With the belief that ‘Food is the best medicine’, naturopathic doctors will utilize various diets, foods, and enzymes to optimize the body’s healing process. The…

The background of Naturopathy

Updates Naturopathy, also known as naturopathic medicine, is a whole-system, multi-modality approach in the medicinal practice. The ‘whole-system’ refers to addressing different dimensions of an individual including the mental, spiritual, physical, family, community and environment. On the other hand, ‘multimodality’ refers to employing at least 2 or more methods in a single approach in treating…

What is intermittent fasting?

Updates Intermittent fasting is a type of diet regimen that gained a lot of attention in the health and fitness industry. People practise it for various purposes including weight loss, improve their health and religious purposes. As opposed to other diet regimens that focus on what to eat and what to avoid, intermittent fasting focuses…

Dietary intake in relation to perceived psychological distress

Updates What is psychological distress? Psychological distress is a general term that is used to describe unpleasant feelings or emotions that impact the level of functioning. The term “distress” is frequently used to describe patient discomfort related to signs and symptoms of acute or chronic illness. Psychological distress does not only result in negative views…

The Golden Egg

Updates Big value inside the small size body! Egg is a common and low-cost food, rich with nutrients especially protein. It cannot be denied that the value and nutrients of eggs is rightfully deserved for public’s attention and preferences. Could the benefits of eggs have been missed in previous findings simply because researchers were looking…

Effect of Stevia On Blood Glucose Profile

Updates What is Stevia? Stevia, also known as sweet leaf, honey leaf, candy leaf, sweet weed or sweet herbs. This is due to the chemical characterization of the natural constituents of the plant known as steviol glycosides, which are responsible for its distinct sweet taste. Stevia is gaining significant popularity in different parts of the world…